What is this server?
- At its core, a modern replacement for Shoddy Touhoumon 2 that went down a few years ago, due to failing infrastructure and rising server costs.
This will be the new, permanent home of online 1.8 Touhoumon. At the time of this server going live, Touhoumon Purple is supported as a format (with the old bans carried over), but there are definitely plans to expand this list.
Who is involved in this project?
- I'm known as Chirei in some circles, and I guess on here too. Mille is a good friend of mine, and with her help and some of the Shoddy old guard, I was able to get all the information required to spin up a mechanically accurate representation of 1.8 on a Showdown fork.
I'm relatively new to the entire scene in comparison to them, but I thought it was an interesting project to tackle after playing Purple, and learning about the history of the scene along the way.
As of late 2024, the Touhoumon Revised team has provided logistical assistance with getting their mod playable on the server. Hopefully more to come.
Why did you make this server?
- It personally bothered me to find out that after Shoddy fell into a state of disrepair, the entire Touhoumon PvP scene basically became abandonware. People developing Touhoumon fangames after some point began to wildly disregard PvP balance and viability, and this didn't feel right. The core concept of 'mons is about battling others, after all.
With this server, there's a chance for people to take their fangame to the final frontier - online against other people.
Mind you, importing an entire fangame onto this server has its own issues and is by no means a quick task, mostly due to Touhoumon being a unique medium where everyone has their own slightly different interpretation of character's stats and abilities.
However, the infrastructure is now here for someone to do it, rather than being stuck in a singleplayer void. Hopefully this gives people a further horizon on which to think and develop fangames with, and expand this scene even more.
This is also just kind of my little contribution to the scene as well, and to help the forerunners get their online venue back after 5+ years, while also opening it to even more possibilities.
Is this just for 1.8 games?
- The initial plan was to just load one 1.8 game onto Showdown, as it is generally more robust than the 1.5 games or the ones that mimic its typing system. Getting the server online was its own 2+ year, on-and-off ordeal, as Showdown is not terribly well documented and has several moving parts that all need to be working. After all was said and done, Purple was chosen for being the most prominent 1.8 title.
As of writing, Touhoumon Revised has been added to the lineup, a remaster of Aichiya's World Link and Another World hacks that he was also involved in.
More will be added as time and interest allows.
Are Mystery Gifts in here?
Yes! The list of allowed Mystery Gift characters are listed below. You must respect their Affinity, IVs, Nature, Ability, and Egg Move constraints when using them in Teambuilder.
- Chibi Sakuya - Level 5(F) - Naive - Focus - HP: 25, Atk: 30, Def: 20, SpA: 30, SpD: 10, Spe: 31 - has the move Checkmaid.
- Chibi Mugetsu - Level 5(M) - Calm - Minus - HP: 31, Atk: 0, Def: 31, SpA: 31, SpD: 31, Spe: 31 - has the moves Checkmaid and Milk Drink 2.
- Chibi Yumeko - Level 5(M) - Brave - Guard Armor - HP: 25, Atk: 25, Def: 25, SpA: 25, SpD: 25, Spe: 25 - has the move Checkmaid.
- Ruukoto - Level 5 - Calm - Sturdy - HP: 31, Atk: 31, Def: 31, SpA: 31, SpD: 31, Spe: 31 - has the move Checkmaid.
- Tori - Level 5(M) - Jolly - Immunity - HP: 31, Atk: 31, Def: 5, SpA: 20, SpD: 5, Spe: 25 - has the move Meteor Storm.
- Chibi Yoshika - Level 5(M) - Adamant - Gate Keeper - HP: 31, Atk: 25, Def: 20, SpA: 20, SpD: 20, Spe: 20 - has the move Agility 2.
- Chibi Cirno - Level 9(M) - Rash - Vital Spirit - HP: 31, Atk: 31, Def: 9, SpA: 31, SpD: 9, Spe: 31 - has the moves Volt Tackle 2, Blast Burn 2, Frenzy Plant 2, and Hydro Cannon 2.